Literature reviews in Surgery: A practical guide for beginners

Course title- Literature reviews in Surgery: A practical guide for beginners

Course organizers.

Damilola Jesuyajolu, Charles Okeke

Lesson 1- An overview of the entire review process from start to finish

Click to watch lesson 1

Lesson 2– Brief summary, title selection, writing the abstract and introduction

  1. What is a literature review? – definition, explanation. importance and types 
  2. Where does it stand in the hierarchy of research types?
  3. How to conduct a literature review – A broad overview of the sections of a Literature review
  4. How to select a good title, and write the abstract and introduction

Click to watch lesson 2.

Lesson 3- Methods (1)

  1. Determining the eligibility Criteria
  2. Choosing your Information sources 
  3. Defining your search strategy

Click to watch lesson 3

Lesson 4- Methods (2)

  1. Saving the search results
  2. Exporting them for deduplication
  3. Title and abstract screening
  4. Full-text screening

Click to watch lesson 4

Lesson 5– Methods (3)

  1. Creating the Data extraction sheet
  2. Extracting the data
  3. Making sense of the completed data extraction sheet

Click to watch lesson 5

Lesson 6– Methods (4)

  1. Study risk of bias assessment – Newcastle-Ottawa scale and other methods
  2. Certainty assessment

Click to watch lesson 6.

Lesson 7– Results (1)

  1. Creating result tables from the data extraction table
  2. Synthesizing the results from the data extraction table
  3. Making sense of the study result 
  4. Writing the result section

Click to watch lesson 7.

Lesson 8: Discussion

  1. Discussing a summary of the results
  2. Discussing the clinical implication
  3. Discussing the research implication
  4. Discussing the study limitations
  5. Concluding

Click to watch lesson 8.

Lesson 9: Adjuncts

  1. Registration of studies with PROSPERO, etc
  2. Protocol writing

Click to watch lesson 9

Lesson 10: Meta-analysis, an introduction, and overview

Click here to watch lesson 10

Lesson 11: Publication

  1. An overview of the publication process
  2. Preparing your manuscript for publication
  3. Submitting to Journals
  4. Timeline
  5. The peer review process and responding to peer reviewers.

Click here to watch lesson 11

Lesson 12: Live session, QnAs, Feedback, and Revision

Click here to watch lesson 12